Request for Raising Vibrational Presence

Christmas and all celebrations around this time can raise anxiety and feelings of inability to cope with personal circumstances. If you feel burdened with all you are expected to do, ask your guardian angel to draw close and raise your internal presence to help you gain stability of your thoughts and emotions to enable you to think clearly and achieve all you are meant to do.

Angelic Balm

If you are in need of a pick-me-up today, try asking the Archangels to surround your presence with divine calm & healing balm. Allowing all of the Archangels of Healing to uplift you through this day, gives your vibratory essence a boost, ensuring your day runs smoothly. Restoring your edge, vitality and faith that all can be well with your world once more.


Asking for the energy of fear to be removed, restores your inner landscape of peace. If you are worried at this moment in time about your health, & consequently your future, request the Angels, or in this instance the Archangel, to liberate your emotional field of the energetic essence of this fear. In doing so you restore your own peace of mind and also experience the upliftment that the Archangel brings when he envelopes your being within his presence.

You may also ‘ask’ for a loved one, if you are worried by their state of mind.

Dealing with Disillusionment

The imprint of disillusionment prevents you from true happiness. Asking the Angelic Kingdom to alleviate this powerful undermining signature, brings relief from further jaded feelings and experiences.